Ready to become an agent?

Join the Keller Williams School of real estate

We can help you get licensed in NJ or PA with our scholarship program

We've given scholarships to over 800 professionals looking get their real estate license and start their careers... now it's your turn

One Step Ahead

Get Your License in Three Easy steps

We’ll be here to help and guide you every step of the way


Take the Course

The courses are online and self guided, so you can learn on your schedule


Take the exam

You'll need to pass a state and national exam to prove your knowledge - but don't worry, we have a library of resources to help you prepare


Get your license

Once you've passed your exams, we'll walk you through getting your license application in to the state, signing up for the MLS, and everything else you'll need to get started

Join our Scholarship Program

Sign Up

Register with us and we'll reach out for a quick intro

Complete Our Prep Course

Complete two quick modules to make sure this is right for you

Get Your Code

Once We've gotten to know you and you've completed the prep course, you're in! We'll send you a scholarship code to get started on your classes.

Ask Us Anything, Anytime.

Whether you’re a consumer looking for an agent you can trust, or an agent looking for a place to thrive, we’re here for you.

